How To Market To Gen Z

Redefining Marketing

When it comes to Gen Z, throw everything you thought you knew about marketing out the window.

Gen Z'ers, born in the late 90s to 2000s, make up about 30% of the population and should not be forgotten about! If your business still hasn't shifted its marketing efforts to Gen Z, you're overlooking a massive customer base that wants to spend money with you.


How Is Gen Z Different?

Born into the world of social media and technology, Gen Z is exposed to many brands every day. If you want to capture their attention, even for a second, you need to be able to speak their lingo, or you’re a no-go.

Gen Z isn't spending money on any Tom, Dick and Harry. Your snazzy product alone won’t cut it any more; your brand has to go beyond profit margins and start actively engaging in social causes and sustainability efforts.


How To Win Gen Z's Hearts

Here are our favourite tips for appealing to Gen Z with your marketing:

  • Be Authentic: Gen Z can sniff out inauthenticity from a mile away. They value transparency and honesty. Be upfront about your business practices and be genuine in your messaging and actions.

  • Leverage Social Media: Gen Z lives and breathes social media. So you need to be active on trendy platforms like TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat, where they spend most of their time.

  • Mobile Optimisation: Please, please, please make sure your website and marketing materials are optimised for mobile devices! Gen Z does everything on their phones, so a seamless mobile experience is a must.

  • Visual Content is Key: How are you gonna capture their attention with a block of text longer than The Wall Of China? Use visually appealing content like videos, GIFs, and memes to capture Gen Z's attention.

    They have short attention spans, and with just 3 SECONDS to grab them, your content needs to be eye-catching and easily consumable.

  • Embrace Social Causes: Resonate with Gen Z by getting involved with relevant social causes. This could be anything from environmental sustainability to social justice issues. Connecting with Gen Z will make sure you stick in their mind for their next purchase.


Creating Lasting Connections

Marketing to Gen Z requires a whole new approach. One that's all about transparency, social responsibility, and connecting on a real, human level.

For Gen Z, it's not just about what you sell; it's about what a brand stands for, how authentic it is, and most importantly, how it fits into their lives.

One example we love is Levi's; they have effectively tapped into the Gen Z market by recognising the generation’s concerns about sustainability.


Don't Miss Out On This Untapped Goldmine

The time to connect with Gen Z is now. Shift your marketing focus to cater towards this influential demographic and start creating meaningful connections with the generation of the future.


Whether it's Branding, Design, Websites, Photography, Video, Print or Social Media, we can help you make an impact.

Tim Marner

We are an Award-Winning Branding Agency in Bolton. We specialise in Branding, Graphic Design, Photography, Video Production and Websites.

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